In 2020
April 1: Teal-Jones was given an order by B.C. Supreme Court Justice Frits Verhoeven prohibits obstacles at various access points inside TFL 46, the licence-area where the majority of the blockades have been set up.
May 17: The RCMP in British Columbia stated that the order will be enforced. Police set up a checkpoint along a forest service road heading to Caycuse Camp, southwest of Cowichan Lake, as well as an exclusion zone for protestors outside the area where the injunction is currently being implemented.
May 26: More than 100 protesters have been arrested
August 1: Stone Pacific (subcontracting to Teal Jones) road construction discovery cresting the Ridge into the unlogged Fairy Creek headwaters
August 9: Grassroots activists from across Vancouver Island gather at Lizard Lake and decide to erect an emergency logging road blockade at the end of the Reid mainline, on a high ridge on the western side of Fairy Creek headwater, to prevent cutting, bulldozing, and blasting activity into Fairy Creek the following day. Pacheedhat Chief and Council, as well as Elder Bill Jones, are notified of setter-activist plans to obstruct road construction on their unceded land.
August 10: The ridge camp barricade keeps the Stone Pacific road and the descending workmen at bay. Call for people to visit a camp to fight logging road development into the last unlogged watershed in the San Juan River system.
August 17: A second blockade is erected at River Camp, this time on the east bank of Fairy Creek, along the Granite mainline in the Renfrew Creek watershed.
August 24: A pop-up barricade on Braden Mainline has been set up to prevent road construction and logging of old-growth woods on Edinburgh Mountain, across from Fairy Creek in the San Juan river basin.
August 31: Ridge camp barricade is relocated 7 kilometres down the road to a new blockade position in order to stop road development into Fairy Creek and cutting of continuous old-growth forest next to the Fairy Creek watershed.
September 4: Pacheedaht elder Bill Jones issues an official call to Indigenous and non-Indigenous forest defenders to join forces on the territory to protect the old-growth rainforests on his ancestral grounds. At River Camp, where the elder has been staying nightly, an Elder's tent is constructed.
September 6: A caravan of Indigenous youth and elders from several areas visits the blockades to provide more guidance on proper land-based respect practises for forest defenders.
September 13: A big group of forest defenders gathers at River Camp to plan future activities in response to a third road expansion approaching Fairy Creek [1].
April 12: The Pacheedaht First Nation's Jeff Jones released a joint news release requesting the protestors to leave [3].
May 26: Canadian news organizations file legal action for press freedom at Fairy Creek [4].
May 28: RCMP refused journalists and legal observers access during key periods during the prior seven tree-sit evictions. When evacuating sitters by helicopter, RCMP refused reporters and L.O.'s and threatened them with rubber bullets and tear gas.
May 31: The RCMP continued arrests of blockaders in the Fairy Creek watershed. Over the weekend, protestors erected a series of barricades across forestry roads in order to prevent RCMP access to the Fairy Creek, Waterfall, and Caycuse encampments [2].
To be Continued…
Camper Creek, TFL 46, cedar stump, as cut by Teal Jones
Photo by TJ Watt [1]
Gordon River Valley, TFL 46, as cut by Teal Jones
Photo by TJ Watt
Haddon Creek, TFL46, as cut by Teal Jones
Photo by TJ Watt
Gordon River Valley, TFL 46, red cedar stump, as cut by Teal Jones
Photo by TJ Watt
Works Cited
[1] “Chronology of Events.” Old Growth Blockader, 17 Sept. 2020, ents/.
[2] “Fairy Creek Timeline - May 2021.” Peoples Assembly of Victoria,
[3] Hales, Roy. “A Fairy Creek Logging Blockade Timeline: The Beginnings.” Canada
[4] Zwan, Adam Van Der. “What You Need to Know about the Old-Growth Logging
Demonstrations on Vancouver Island | CBC News.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio
Canada, 27 May 2021,
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